Children and grown-ups are lacking the education of the world of nature. People stay in indoor too long. 
Interview questions 
1. Do you have children?
2. Do you think letting children exploring plants is important?
3. Do you like children get closer to the nature?
4. Do you agree children will have a happy childhood if they play with nature?
5. What grade did you get for biology class in elementary school?
6. How much do you know about the plants?
7. How often do you go outdoor? 
8. Who do you go outdoor with?
9. Have you ever wondered a plant’s name when you see a plant you know know?
10. Have you ever interested how plants grow up?
-People all agree children will have better and happier childhood if they grow up with nature .
-People are pretty confident of their biology.
-They go out to exercise almost every weekends.
-People are curious about plants

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